My son will not let me brush his teeth properly 😩

No matter what we try, it’s a big battle. That’s normal at 17 months of course, but he will not move his lip and tongue for me to get the front of his bottom teeth properly. They have some staining and plaque that we noticed recently. I don’t know what to do differently. We have tried letting him brush them himself first and then us doing it. We let him watch us brush ours. We brush his in front of the mirror. We do the head between our knees and pin him down routine. We’ve tried an electric toothbrush. We use fluoride toothpaste. There’s just NO WAY to get those bottom teeth properly because of his amazing resistance. I brush his teeth for 2 minutes twice a day and it’s absolute hell. I don’t understand how he is preventing us from getting the front of the bottom teeth the way he does. Any tips? Even holding his lip down just doesn’t seem to cut it.