Told possible miscarriage and went full term??


Today has been very draining 😞😞 Has anyone been told they are possibly going to miscarry based on the ultrasound looking very behind and didn’t? I was supposed to be 7 weeks today. The ultrasound barely saw anything. There was a very small sac but not much besides that. She estimated if I’m not miscarrying that I was actually only barely 5 weeks pregnant. They did bloodwork and I won’t know until Wednesday. But she also said it looks like potentially the sac developed but that the fetus did not survive. If my levels come back normal then she says it’s just early but I have a bad feeling about this. I have had some spotting but it’s been very light and not really painful. Have any of you ladies ever had a pregnancy where you were told you would most likely be having a miscarriage and didn’t and went full term to a healthy baby? I feel so defeated because I wanted this so badly. I was not expecting this today. My heart is in my stomach and I’m so nervous I almost don’t want to know how my bloodwork is.😓 Urine tests still come back positive.. it’s so confusing and I feel like I’m being tricked. Any advice will help😩


Unfortunately today I miscarried.. I’m hoping I can have my rainbow baby next month and everything will be okay. I hear that some women become more fertile after a miscarriage. I hope that is true in my case.😭