

So I went on a date with this guy a few months back. And slowly we have been just hanging out together at his place and then now mine. (FWB) but last night he calls me up and he spent the night and all morning with me. And before he was like weren't not anything, we ain't dating. Am I getting something here. I dont want to address the concern but keep things the way it's going and let him come to me about how he's feeling.

Like I dont want to have kids. And he doesn't too. I have kids and I don't want them to also get hurt because we didnt worked out. You think sometimes in the future things will change?

I've always did my makeup and dressed up nice. But this time it was something different I guess. I didnt do my makeup in front of him. Or dressed up just plain jane. It's been a year that I've been in a relationship. And also including my kids. Should I say something to him. And what should I even say to where I dont lose him as a friend. HELP