Mirena IUD


I’ve had my Mirena IUD for about a year now. Everyone else I know loves it.

I was having problems with bleeding(bled for three months straight) so I contacted my doctor. He checked out the IUD and put me on Megestrol to try to get the bleeding to stop(it was getting expensive to buy pads/tampons). Took that pill two times a day for 30 days. It stopped the bleeding and everything was going good, or so I thought. I haven’t contacted my doctor again yet but will be calling on my next day off. The bleeding has started again. I am currently on my third week of heavy, really red bleeding and going through pads/tampons like crazy.

I was just curious if anyone else has had issues like this and what did you do?

Of course, I will still be calling the doctor, just wanted to get some kind of insight from the group.

Thank you.