Sexual abuse and ptsd


Throughout my childhood I was sexually abused by my stepfather. It started when my mom and step dad got married. I was happy that she married him because he would play with me like a friend. Later on things started to get weird he would tell me he wasn’t wearing underwear today or I would see his boners and he didn’t try to hide it from my 6 year old self. He constantly would walk in on me changing and showering and he would leave the doors open and stand naked in his bedroom doorway when I got home from school before anyone else was home. The issues went on for years and years. Last summer my real dad told me about how my step father had voyerisum charge and was a sex offender. My mother lied to me and when I tried to tell her about what was going on she said I was lying and was making it up even though she was the one lying to me about it. We found his charges and mugshot online so that was the proof I needed. Because of many circumstances I have to live with my step dad and mom, but the issues are still happening. Recently I got home at 1am from work and went to shower and my mom was on a trip and my stepdad was just waiting on the couch in his underwear. I was freaked out but I figured it was hot so maybe he just wanted to cool down. I went to the bathroom and saw him looking through the window staring at me naked. I was so freaked out that grabbed my clothes got dressed and hid in my room and cried for several hours. I moved my dresser in front of my door and I saw him peeping through my window as well. The next day I left and stayed at my boyfriends families house for a few days but I can’t stay with them because of obvious reasons. I have been really affected recently. I almost never sleep now and when I do I have nightmares. I’m very jumpy and I just don’t trust anyone. I feel so guilty and gross I have to shower at minimum 3 times a days. I just can’t do it anymore I don’t know how to manage anything with myself and I can’t even function normally anymore. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to help?