How do you feel supported?


How do you feel supported in a relationship? I've been dating my boyfriend for three years and overall I don't feel like he's been very supportive. When I try to communicate this to him he lists off a bunch a reasons why I shouldn't feel that way. For example, he'll stay up later to do the dishes or laundry if I'm tired so I can go to bed because he functions better then I do on less sleep. But to me that's something a friend would do for you... like a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" type of scenario. I've tried to explain to him that I don't feel supported because when I've had doctor's appointments that I was nervous about for instance he'll forget... never wish me good luck...or even ask how it went. Should this be something I'm responsible of reminding him of when my appointments are? I tried linking our gmail accounts and I entered my appointment on the calendar but he still forgets. It makes me feel like he's too self involved and doesn't care about me. Soooo I'm just curious how it is that you all feel supported in a relationship?