About to kill my husband - vent

I am 36 weeks pregnant for reference

So we were working on tax stuff and I was about to help him. I mentioned to him that I needed to shower at some point tonight so he would know and he told me to go ahead while his phone was charging. So I did. It took longer than planned because our toilet is messed up so I spent a good 10/15 trying to unclog it. I came out after he helped me with the toilet and sat down to help him. He mentioned that he’d been about to start dinner when I asked him for help and then handed me the controller and told me to watch something cuz he was done with whatever show he was watching. So I turned something on, assuming he was doing dinner. He sees the time and starts freaking out cuz it’s 8 and the kids haven’t had dinner yet and why wasn’t I making dinner? Then he gets pissy and says he’ll make it. I know from experience that even if I try to take over at that point he won’t let me so I just let him make dinner. He decides to start yelling at me, all I do is explain where I misunderstood instead of making it a huge fight. He decides to threaten to throw away my phone because apparently that’s the reason I didn’t make dinner, not that I thought he was doing it. The kids go into the kitchen with him while he’s making dinner and the 4 of them basically start badmouthing me - “she tells us to put our shoes away and she doesn’t put hers away,” “all she does is tell you guys what to do and to go to bed” - shit like that making me feel like the shittiest person in the world. And the gem from My husband (said directly to me in earshot of the kids) - “No wonder they hate when I leave.” (He travels for work occasionally) I don’t care what issues we’re having but I never badmouth him to the kids, even when he was addicted to Xanax. The kids don’t need to be pulled into the middle of our shit. Oh, and while all of these comments are happening, our landlord is over trying to fix the toilet. So I walked out of the house, I couldn’t stand to be in there a second longer.

It was my mistake to let it get so late and not think about dinner but I legitimately thought he was going to take care of it. I don’t think what I did deserved the way he reacted and is treating me

I get he’s stressed but so am I and I’m not in the mood to be treated like shit. I’m not the type to walk out of the house during an argument (he has often) but I couldn’t deal one second longer