Sad and lonely 😔

So I met this guy from Bumble in mid-March and it instantly clicked. On the first date he talked a lot about his ex which kind of turned me off a bit but I was like whatever. So we kept talking for 3-4 weeks ish, we would see each other twice or 3x a week always at his house or out to eat.. i would even skip class to see him😪 since he works in the morning and we live 30mins apart. And everything was fine, two weeks into talking he told me he loved me. So I didn’t really know how to feel or react because we barely knew each other but I did appreciate him a lot and loved being around him and everything. He would always call me cute names and give me all the attention in the world even if he was busy at work. And for some reason, last week the last time I saw him, he said he didn’t know what he was getting into (with me).. so I didn’t say anything because it hurt me on the moment and didn’t know what to reply, so I just let it go. After that we would still talk but I noticed he got a little distant, wouldn’t call me cute names as much as he used to and would barely text me. And I felt like I always had to text him first or else we wouldn’t talk, for the past 3-4 days now. Or he’d txt me only the next day and always give the excuse that he fell asleep after work.. so it started bugging me but I hadn’t said anything yet. And this morning, after he ignored my last txt which I sent yesterday AFTERNOON, I asked him « in all honesty are you still interested in me? » and he replied with a long ass paragraph that basically said these past few days he thought a lot about where all this is going and what he really wants right now and that he didn’t want somebody to get attached to him when he wasn’t feeling completely ready for a relationship or any type of relationship with a girl (since we first met he made me feel like it could get serious and I even met his mom, sis, and uncle.......). So yeah he basically said he’s not interested in going forward with me and that he thought he was ready to date again after a 3year relationship but he’s actually not ready for anything (he’s been single for 4-5 months now). So I’m just heartbroken right now, feeling like complete shit not only bc I had sex with him but also because I feel dumb for falling for his words... I don’t really have anybody to pour my heart out to so I’m writing it here.. 😥 and the whole time we were talking and seeing each other he would talk about his ex a lot and he told me that his ex asked him to hangout when he wished her happy birthday thru text.. anyways

Sorry if it’s long 😪...