Can you wear socks during a C-section?

I’m being induced soon and I know the chances of C-section are higher with induction. I’m hoping for a natural delivery but still prepared for a C-section, and I was just wondering if they allow you to wear socks in the OR?😂 I absolutely hate feet and I absolutely hate my own feet. I always have socks on if I’m not in the shower. I’ve had a lot of people telling me “oh you won’t care about your feet when you’re giving birth” but yes ma’am I will definitely care lol. I had a natural delivery with my son and in the middle of pushing my sock started to slip off and I stopped mid-push to ask the nurse to slip my sock back on..

I HATE FEET Y’ALL. Please tell me I can wear socks in the OR if I have a C-section🤣

C-section mamas, were you allowed to wear socks during your delivery?