Itching itching itching

Ashten • Mommy to two boys, one angel and one on the way! 🦋 Instagram— @ashtenleigh

I was tested for ICP a couple weeks ago and was told my levels were “normal” but not told my levels. I thought all was well, but I am still insanely itchy and starting to create a rash on myself and it’s very disruptive to my sleep.

Has anyone still had Cholestasis but their levels showed “normal” the first time?

Also, I don’t want to step on my OB’s toes, but she won’t test again. I heard you’re supposed to keep testing as long as you’re itching but she said I should be fine and to just get some itching cream. I’m going crazy, both with the itching and thinking I could be potentially harming my baby as well. Any help is appreciated! Thank you 💛