Giovanna • 👶🏻👼🏻👼🏻💔🤰🏻🌈due 12/13/19!💕

Update: so I had my blood work done and indeed I am pregnant my levels were at 2,600 something which when I looked it up would put me between 5-6 weeks. The Dr. sent me for an ultrasound today and we seen the gestational sac, yolk sac, pole and a heartbeat. However the ultrasound tech said that the heartbeat was low☹️. So more than likely I’ll be going for another ultrasound and blood work soon. After the last two losses I don’t have expectations for this pregnancy yet. I mean I hope and pray it sticks but at the same time I also don’t want to get my hopes up. The ultrasound tech said I’m about 6 weeks but again the heartbeat is low. I’m so confused on how this even happened. I just had a miscarriage march 8, 2019. Exactly 6 weeks ago how would I be 6 weeks pregnant now???? I mean numbers and tests show 6 weeks but I definitely didn’t have sex right after my miscarriage we waited till last week and even then he pulled out and again I know that’s not 100% or a form of birth control but it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.


Ok so I’ve had two miscarriages within 3m of each other. The first being 12/23/18 and the other 3/8/19. I haven’t gotten my period yet since the last miscarriage. My dr told me to wait 3 months before I tried again and to keep taking my prenatals. Well I haven’t really been taking them and I wasn’t trying again I wasn’t even sure if I was going to try again. I have been super tired and it’s been 5 weeks I was going to wait till next week to call my ob to say I still haven’t gotten it yet cause it’s supposed to come 4-6 weeks after miscarriage. I swear I have only had sex once and he pulled out and it was just the other day. 3/22 I was at my ob office they tested me to make sure they got a negative and it was. How is this possible? Can this be right? I don’t want it to be true right now I can’t handle another loss. If I have one more then I have to go to a fertility specialist that my insurance won’t pay for. I don’t want them to refer me. Should I even call my dr? She told me the minute i pee on a stick and it is positive to call her and they’ll test my levels to see if I need supplements to help me get through implantation. Should I wait? They usually don’t see pregnant ppl till they’re 6-8 weeks I have no clue how far I would be even if it’s true. I’m shaking and freaking out. I took 4 back to back and each so damn dark and popped up so fast.