Omg!!!! This just happened


After 4 years and 5 months of ttc , mc 5/3/15 at 5 weeks and a mc 4/21/17 at 3 months , this just happened !!! Period is officially late 3 days . Something told me today while I was at work for 16 hrs take a test . Since last week I just wanted salt , I was like ok my period is coming . I don’t even eat McDonald’s and I wanted their fries , just like before 9 years ago when we was pregnant with our daughter . I still didn’t think anything of it because I started having the urge to have a bowel moments just as if my period was coming on , nausea and today I was cramping really bad . On my break I got a cheap .88 test and waited till I got home to take it . So I took the test and I was like oh it’s negative then lord and behold the other line showed up . I couldn’t believe it , so my hubby went out to Walmart at 12 am to get another lol , it read PREGNANT!!!! We can’t stop smiling !!! We decided not to tell anyone until we are further along especially our daughter because the last 2 miscarriages was hard on all 3 of us . So excited I had to tell you ladies !! I pray our RAINBOW BABY sticks !!! Thank you God for this blessing !!!! I am beyond excited can’t stop smiling . Can’t wait to tell my sisters. They were all willing to be a surrogate for us but now they don’t have too. Our baby girl is going to be so excited , I can’t wait. I can’t believe the dream I had of a pregnancy test last week came true !!! Thank you Father !!! #rainbowbaby #cantbelivethisishappeningrighgnow

#sorryimallovertheplace #imsohappy #cloud9