Oh my gosh!

Tori • 28. Benjamin born 4/17/19. IVF warrior.

Today was my last full day being pregnant. I go in Tuesday night to get induced. Yes I know I will technically be pregnant tomorrow too but today was the last one of being pregnant and not in the hospital. I have known about this little man for 265 days. We battled through 4 years of infertility, 2 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> transfers, and countless shots and pills. Within the next couple days we will get to see and hold our son. We are so excited and I am getting a little nervous.

Today at 39w4d

My favorite maternity pic from 32 weeks

Our little lazy sloth at 30 weeks

My favorite early picture of our gummy bear. 8w4d

Just some of the countless tests I took. The first time I had ever seen a second line!