About to lose my shit ....


So I had an induction date for the 23rd it was moved up to the 17th because of swelling in my legs then again moved up to yesterday because babes has no fluid left... started induction at 5pm and was stopped at 8pm because the dr decided she wasn’t comfortable making a decision on how to deliver because of a pituitary adnoma... that they have known about MY WHOLE PREGNANCY .... so went down for an MRI with contrast (which I don’t feel good about ) and they Radiology refused to do it !!!!! So the dr puts me back in my room to wait for tomorrow for a new radiologist to come in ....(again bad feeling ) she refuses to move forward with the induction and she refuses to do a c section because so doesn’t know which will be safer ... ummm LaDY there are no other options... just completely pissed slept like shit . And I’m wasting days sitting in this hospital 😑 I’m 39 weeks and 3 days . And like I have said they have known about it the entire time and just now the feel like they need to do research!? Seriously people