Your not Alone.

Well, here we are.... on our year mark. We struggled with infertility with our 1st. They gave us a less then 5% chance to conceive our 1st with medical help. And told us to come in after 1 year to start testing again. 😩

So here is my pity party. I’m 11DPO I thought I had implantation on the 8/9DPO because I had one sided cramps for seconds at a time off and on all day and nothing since. I’ve been doing everything I can to help prep my body to better for pregnancy. I have lost 10lbs, I eat healthier, I exercise 3-5 times a week. But it didn’t help. I’m happy I did it, and I will continue and hopefully continue IF we get pregnant again.

Shout out to anyone struggling, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It’s okay to be sad, and frustrated, angry. If your ttc baby 1 or 7. ITS OKAY TO BE HURT. You will find peace in your journey. For me, I confided in my husband, so he knows my pain and the emotional struggle of TTC. 💜💜💜 seriously, reach out to someone and build your support team up! I’m cheering for everyone! And hope everyone gets their BFP, medical questions answered, or just finds peace in your journey!

So here is to 11DPO and BFN and starting our medical (help) TTC and to loosing weight!

Here is my 10lb difference, it’s not a lot, but I definitely worked my butt off and hope to continue to loose more.