Am I being unreasonable?

I’m 37+5 weeks pregnant, mine and my boyfriends one year anniversary is in two days, we have a midwife appointment on our anniversary so we can’t do anything for it unfortunately. I suggested doing it Friday or Saturday and now he wants to go fishing on Friday? I explained that I don’t really want to go fishing being 38 weeks pregnant and I don’t really want to be sat at home by myself whilst I’m in early labour, he then turned around and said I’m stopping him from doing the only thing he loves.. I’ve gone with him countless times during this pregnancy but now we’re getting closer to the end I don’t want to push myself too far. He also moaned and said we can’t do anything Friday because we have my son with us as he’s not at school, am I being unreasonable or should he just wait until next weekend or something to go fishing?

Edit: midwife appointment is at 6pm, which is why we can’t do anything after. The only place he goes fishing is over an hour and a half away, there and back so would be really inconvenient for me to go into labour there. I’ve tried to compromise but he doesn’t want to do anything with my son there.