All of this is so hard to understand


Long post ahead:

I had a chemical pregnancy in February. My doctor put me on Provera starting March 5th, I took this for 10 days and started bleeding 3 days after on March 17th. I started BBting while taking the provera on March 13th. I will post my chart. On April 4th it looked like I had ovulated. My temperature dropped way down and then shot back up. However it never stayed up. I called my doctor and told her my situation was told to take a pregnancy test and if it was negative then start Provera again. I started provera on April 11th so 6 days ago. I am supposed to call my doctor when I start bleeding and then try taking clomid. Fast forward to today. I took my bbt this morning and it went down. I keep going to the bathroom because I feel like I start my period but it is actually just discharge.. A LOT of discharge. If I actually did ovulate today would be 12 dpo. If someone could please help me. I have also had sore boobs ever since my “supposed ovulation” date, but figured it was nothing. I am wondering if maybe I didn’t actually need to take provera and I did ovulate and now the dip I had this morning was due to implantation.