not feeling good at all

okay so i’m actually in the second trimester and this is my first pregnancy so i’m a little worried.

i felt a cold coming on about 2-3 days ago so i decided to drink some ginger and lemon tea and take echinacea and vitamin C to knock it out.

this morning i woke up and it felt like i was hit with almost allergy symptoms. i don’t have allergies. but i live in michigan and one day is 70 degrees and the next day it’s 45.

although i felt like this i didn’t have any stomach issues, just a head cold it felt like.

however , now, (tmi warning) i feel a little nauseous and i’ve been having diarrhea for a little bit today. what could this mean? could it just be the pregnancy? i’m 14 weeks btw and i’ve been fine .. i’m just a little scared that’s all