I found the perfect combo for me to get pregnant

In January I started a different prenatal (the Olly brand) and started drinking a cup of raspberry leaf tea everyday fro start of my period until ovulation. I got pregnant, found out February 7th. I was so excited, I was 3 days late and couldn’t believe it. Then the 9th I started bleeding. I had a chemical pregnancy.

I didn’t drink my tea and only took prenatal because my dr told me to.

My period came on schedule March 8th and I was on track with my prenatal and my tea again. Bam, April 6th I’m late and find out I’m pregnant. Everything felt different and I thought it was for sure this time. I started spotting 3 days later and went to my first prenatal appointment. I found out on the 12th I am going to miscarry again.

My heart is broken. I started bleeding heavily on Saturday.

When we’re ready to try again, we’ll work harder.

I found my combination to get pregnant but I need to work on my health before I’m really ready to try again.

Maybe my progesterone is too low, maybe my uterus wasn’t thick enough, maybe something was wrong, was I too stressed? I can’t know for sure but TTC is a struggle, trying to maintain your pregnancy is a struggle.

I’m wishing for everyone who wants a child to have a healthy one and not to give up hope!

I’m sorry for rambling, I have so much in my heart.