Whats going on😭 TMI

I dont know if this is in the right group or not and im really freaking out. I went to the ER the other day over being 6 weeks pregnant and bleeding heavy with clots as seen below

Then i waited in there for 6 hours to be seen by a doctor as i had cramps and a lot of bleeding, i honestly thought i was miscarrying or an ectopic, i shown the doctor the pictures she told me its sometimes normal to bleed this much and have pains and she told me im having a THREATENED miscarriage, and then sent me on my way, she said it was too late at night to do an emergency scan and booked me in for next tuesday, i am so fucking scared. Today ive had more clots and pain and now the pains gone now that ive passed another clot. I just dont get whats going on this is how it looked 10 minutes ago i cant stop crying thinking that thats my baby

Ive tried calling my midwife many times and she just ignores my calls thats why i went to the ER, i just dont know what to do im so scared i dont know what it is im only 6 and a half weeks pregnant, should there be that many clots which are that big? 😭