Mega excited!!


Super happy to finally have made it to the 3rd trimester!!!! Finally starting month 7 and so happy that baby is almost here!!! I have 1 stepson and 2 birth sons and this is my first baby girl!!! The days go by soooooo slow!!!! Getting short of breath, fatigued, insomnia from not being able to get comfy with this big belly!! Getting up to pee 3+ times a night, heartburn like crazy! Pregnancy is getting more miserable! I'm supposed to be getting a scheduled C section at 39 weeks but really hoping baby comes before that! Anytime after 37 weeks but before 39 weeks would be great! I have her room all set up and I look in the beautiful little empty room everyday!!! Anyone else feel like they're going insane waiting for baby to get here?!?! #27weeksand2days!!