2nd month w/a period PCOS

Mavis • Boy mom💙

So I found out the beginning of last year that I have PCOS. My doctors immediately sent me to a specialist and put me on metformin for a month or so. It didn't work for me so they started me on femara and provera. I used those to TTC from June to December and nothing worked. The only time I ever had a period on my own was once and it was a month that I did not use the meds. So all last year my only natural period happened once. Well, about a month and a half ago I got my period on my own and it was like raging waters. Lol It lasted over a week with light spotting occurring a week before aunt flow. About 45 days later I got my period again, but it was a way lighter period- I only used liners and it lasted 6 days. Still, that's two periods on my own already this year. Mind you, I do have PCOS and I stopped bc after 3 years at the beginning of last year (how I found out I have pcos). Could my period possibly be becoming regular? Maybe I'm finally ovulating? Anyone had this happen?