Mixed messages breastfeeding

Cera • 26. Minnesota. 💏 Mama to Owiyokipi Win 4/5/19. Breastfeeding FTM. 🤱🏽 💞 👶🏾

My newborn is about 11 days old and I’m so confused and worried with breastfeeding. We are only breastfeeding at this point and I’ve been very aware of her eating so we feed every 2-3 hours. Never more than 3. She eats pretty decent on each side and I aternate just like they told me to. Things seem to be going well but she’s not producing dirty diapers at the amount that they said she should. She has wet diapers all the time but her dirty ones are few and far between. Does this mean she isn’t eating enough? What am I doing wrong? Im so confused because she doesn’t seem hungry either. Going to see the lactation consultants again tomorrow to get some more advice because I am just straight up concerned. I need peace of mind that I’m feeding my baby enough. 😢