“What you mean you don’t like head?!?”

Something that has become fundamentally annoying to me is this idea that if you don’t like receiving oral sex you just “haven’t been with the right guy yet” or “well they ain’t know what they was doin.” Like literally suck my ass. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate getting oral sex. Some of my best orgasms have come from some good felashe. But nothing and I mean NOTHING compares to dick. PERIODT. And sometimes I just want some dick without having to explain why I don’t really feel up to head right now. I’d like to decline without it being such a stab to a man’s ego. Yes, I’m clean down there, No, I’m not scared, No, I’m not on my period, Yes I do cum when you go down on me, No, I don’t need you to prove it to me in this moment. GOD. DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE KIND OF MENTAL CONCENTRATION THAT GOES INTO A BITCH TRYNA CUM? Gettin head is sometimes deadass exhausting lol. Let me grind on a dick, finish, and take a nap. ✌🏽 I’m cool with giving head too, and sometimes I don’t need a return favor. You know what my return favor is? HARD DICK. 🍆

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