Small bouts of anxiety


Due date is April 30, last day of work was today, 38 weeks exactly today. Hoping baby comes sooner than later as we are travelling to Germany the first week of June.

Doc says my belly is measuring really big but ultrasound tech says it’s just the way I’m carrying.

Next doc appointment is tomorrow, gonna ask when he starts checking cervix and at what point do they do inductions.

Unfortunately I live in a small town where there is only one person on call to perform epidurals so I’m just hoping that they’re on shift when I go into labour (otherwise they will transport me to the nearest hospital, if there’s time of course).

Small bouts of anxiety are hitting me, I’m afraid of pain. I’m also afraid of fentanyl & laughing gas because I don’t want to be “high”.

Just trying to take things one day at a time and remember women give birth every day to healthy babies and I’m going to be ok.