First Time C-Section


Somewhat Long Post Alert .... so we all make plans , we have things all setup in our minds . AND THEN .... change happens . So last Tuesday I expected to go for my normal scheduled OB appointment and head back home . Well to say the least I ended up being admitted and prepared for an induction . So that happens !!! I’m fine with that , we’re going to have a great “natural “safe birth cool !!!! Well ! Hours after the induction... A C-section becomes my lot !!!! My first instinct was to freak out . Freak out , because of fear , deviation from my birth plan & an entire laundry list of how will I get XYZ done while trying to recover from major surgery . I’ve never had surgery before , coming to terms with that ( on the spot ) is completely overwhelming. However , the kind of relationship that I have with my God , I KNEW I’d be ok . Coupled with that... my love , my life partner Adisa Browning he was right there . That man is one of the most patient , loving & sweetest people I know . And then right beside him , my dog , my sister Trei Flake was right there as well . They were the last faces I saw before being rolled into a huge cold bright operating room all by myself until disa was able to enter . I remember laying there shivering from cold but also from being scared .... Time felt like it stood still . God taught me something in that moment . The road or route that you expect to take to make it to your prize , your destination can possibly shift in order to protect you from road blocks that may stifle you or knock you down all together ... keeping you from your ( my ) ultimate blessing .Although I’m extremely sore and will be recovering for a while , I Praise God for his plan and not mine . Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to be a wife & mother of 2 while recovering . Anybody who truly knows me , knows that it hard & sometimes impossible for me to sit still . But I committed to trust the process . I’m that mom who’d do it all over again .


