Arabella Paige ❤


I started having contractions(but didn't know at the time they were contractions)at home around 7pm on April 15. I waited until dad came home( which wasn't until 930pm) I decided to eat dinner and take a shower. We left the house around 11 and got to the hospital by 1130pm.

By the time they got me a room and checked me I was already 6cm dilated. I got an epidural when I was about 7cm.dilated but it took awhile for it to set in and at that time my water broke. Let me tell you, those contractions are no joke!!! I was so happy once the epidural finally started doing its thing, but took about an hour.

I was about to rest before I started pushing. It only took 5 pushes and she was out!! No complications!

Arabella Paige arrived on April 16 at 4:59am at 7lb and 10 oz! She and I are both doing fine! Dad and I are tired, but are so thankful and blessed for this little angel. 😍❤

She also came out with lots of hair ! Lol. I couldn't ask for a better baby!!