Weight gain during pregnancy

So I’m 24 weeks exactly. Early on in my pregnancy I gained a lot of weight. I never had morning sickness or nausea. In fact I ate a lot in the beginning. In the first trimester I put on about 10 pounds. I started at 158 and was about 168 by then ... well now I’m 24 weeks and am 180. So I’ve gained about 22lbs. Now I haven’t gained anything in a while. At 3/31 I was 178. I’m not sure what to think. My Ob keeps telling me it’s normal and she isn’t concerned about my weight. Obviously it’s leveled off now but has anyone gained most of there weight in the beginning and then it sort of just stopped? I’m fine if I only gain 30lbs or so. I’ve only got 16 weeks left though and wondering why I’m not really putting on anymore weight. I have a history of miscarriage so I worry about everything. Do you gain more weight in third trimester? In 2nd I’ve gained hardly anything.