Every night ...

Well here’s night #1 alone since you walked out on me this morning to be with your ex wife who’s currently pregnant from the first time you walked out on me... I’ve been with my sister all day because I’m afraid to be alone. I’ve been strong until this point, now the anxiety and stress is really settling in, I’m alone... you abandoned me and left. You have good intentions but it still hurts. You were my other half, my best friend, and now you’ll just become a stranger again it’ll be like we never were anything to one another... you will fade from everybodies life but mine... I’m tormented with the memories of us from day one to year three. I would have done anything for you... and I told you that as you packed your things and you just kept saying “I love you I’m sorry” and you kissed me as you walked out the door into the Uber that your ex wife payed for you to get. So here’s to one night alone and many more to come as I begin my healing process for the now second time... it doesn’t seem like brighter days are ahead at this point. 🥺😭😞