
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at age 10. I was prescribed a liquid antidepressant.. I don’t remember what it was but it had to be slipped into my drinks. It’s been a huge struggle ever since. I don’t remember what it’s like to not feel depressed on the regular. I’ve tried counseling twice and found it unhelpful. My first counselor spilled the beans to my mother about everything I told her, breaking confidentiality.. even though I wasn’t at risk. My second counselor acted like she didn’t want me there and always seemed to cut our hour-sessions short. Sometimes like 15 minutes short.. I went to her shortly before my mother passed away and saw her until a couple weeks after. I only saw her once a month. So that’s why counseling doesn’t work for me. Medications, no matter what it’s for are always a struggle. Daily vitamins (that I really need to be taking) to antibiotics that are always forgotten. Talking to people close to me doesn’t work. I have no real friends that will let me vent to them. Some ignore me others tell people what I say. Family judges me.. I feel so alone and so helpless. I’m losing hope and as time goes by I’m struggling more and more. Basically what I’m getting at is, what can I do? What helps you guys? I don’t always have triggers either, sometimes it just comes.