Periods after pregnancy!


Okay so a little back story... I’ve suffered with PCOS since age 11 but I didn’t get diagnosed with it until age 15.

Literally never actually had a full on period I had to be given tablets every few weeks to make myself bleed in order to stop my womb line thickening and causing possible endometriosis.

So long story short met my partner 8 years ago, I didn’t have periods as stated above and never once ovulated, so met the man of my dreams and of course we wanted babies. I lost 7 stone and I started to have periods (although very very irregular it was a start!) they started to get more regular as time went on and before I knew it I was having them every month.

We did loose a little one along the way to an ectopic pregnancy and it was soul shattering! 💔

We ended up getting pregnant again a few years later and my baby girl was born this year, now before I was pregnant I would be on for at least 8days and they would be extremely heavy and my god the pain was unbearable! We’ll ever since I’ve gave birth it’s like my PCOS has basically almost gone (yes I’m well aware theres no cure for it and trust me I’ve done a lot of research on it having suffered over 14 years with it) now though I’m on for up to 5days and their extremely light compared to before so basically when the 5th day comes you can’t really class it as a period because it’s just well nothing... 😂😂

Anyone else whose suffered with PCOS, got pregnant and this has happened afterward? I’m not “moaning” or “bitching” I’m bloody over the moon, just want to know has anyone else had this? Did it change and go back to being really heavy after a few months? Or did it stay the same and still is? Just curious.