My birthday tomorrow

Sorry, need a lot bit of a moan... It’s my birthday tomorrow AND our daughter will be 6 weeks old ♥️! Husband will be at work but he has the following 4 days free. I asked if we could go into the city for a day out at a museum I really fancy or have a picnic in the park. Husband was for this, up until yesterday where he is now arranging for his friends to have a BBQ at our home because the weather forecast has improved. This wouldn’t normally bother me, but it’s my first birthday with our girl, I want it to be family oriented and be special. There is no thought behind his idea at all, he’s also apologised for not getting anything yet (he’s always been last minute, but never not got anything at all). A nice dinner would have also been perfect, but when I asked him he’s said he hasn’t planned anything.

I feel so frumpy at home all day, always have baby vomit on my clothes and never get a chance to really look after myself now. I’m just really disappointed in my husbands lack of thought...