Read comment before polling. Did plan B cause this bleeding or was it due to my displaced IUD

Hey everyone so I’m kinda stuck right now and I read every article and other women’s personal experiences but no one story fits my predicament. March 10-15 were listed as my fertile week in Flo. I had the Paraguard IUD at the time. On March 11th my bf and I had unprotected sex 7-8pm. March 12th around 7:30 am I decided to take a plan b because I read so many pregnant with Paragard stories on baby center. The 11th I noticed I had eggwhite cervical mucus which meant I was entering my fertile time so I took a ovulation test it was negative the 12th I took an ovulation test before taking the plan b the test I believe was negative cause the test line wasn’t as dark as the control line but it wasn’t really too faint either. The 13th and 14th I still noticed eggwhite cervical mucus which I thought was weird since I took plan b. And now after doing all my research I know it delays ovulation so seeing that discharge looking back now it’s a red flag. March 16th and 18th I had unprotected sex because my app said I was in the clear. March 17th I started spotting. March 18th I was still spotting but had unprotected sex. March 19-24th I had light to medium bleeding. I thought it was weird to be starting my period two weeks early. And when i noticed I was bleeding for over 6 days I grew concerned because I never bleed more than 5-6 days And I didn’t have my usual period symptoms, along with it being much lighter, no clots, and brighter and getting a period right after ovulation was off putting to me as well. That whole week I also experienced nausea, pelvic aches, cramping, dizziness, fatigue. March 25th my gyn discovered my iud moved. They said the bleeding could be because of that and that it should stop in a few days. March 31st was my last day of bleeding. 15 days I bled for. It’s a month from the first day of bleeding and I still feel nauseous, occasionally throw up, have pelvic aches that could just be gas, every smell is making me nauseous, loss of appetite. Yesterday I had horrible waves of nausea.

My concerns are not knowing when the iud moved? If the plan b worked even though I still had fertile discharge days after? If the plan b did indeed work for the 11th, did my ovulation get pushed to the next week causing the days I had unprotected sex thinking I was protected by the IUD to put me at risk for pregnancy? If the IUD still protected me though in the wrong place? Could I be pregnant? Or should I take the word of the blood test and urine test from March 25th, I even had a urine test April 8th all negative. Could I be one of those unfortunate women who don’t test positive even when they’re actually pregnant? Can plan b cause a month of nausea?

And the ultimate question and poll question, do you think the bleeding from the 17th-31st was my period caused by plan b? Or do you think it was due do my body alerting me that the Iud was displaced? Or do you think it was both? Because I’m currently on cycle day 53 and Flo and glow and <a href="">eve</a> have me down as late for 19 days, but if the two weeks of bleeding was a period I want to log it and out this paranoia behind me.

Sorry for long post, please feel free to give any thoughts, advice, personal experiences. All are welcomed and all are needed. I’m so stressed playing this guessing game and getting no real answers from my doctors.

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