Desperate need of advice 😩 anyone out there understand?

I’ve been having so much anxiety about my future. I feel like I don’t know how to do anything in life by myself and I’ll be lost. I’m 20 years old, dropped out of college because I had no motivation and I don’t even know what career I want for myself. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years and plan on getting engaged very soon, he graduated school and does welding now while I’m working a full time job only making 11 dollars an hour. I feel like a loser. I have yet to find my purpose in life. It seems like everyone else my age is in school and knows what they want to do in life, but I’m just lost and confused. My mom also does so much for me that I feel like I won’t be able to live my life on my own. The only adult things I do is work and make car payments. I want to be independent but don’t know how yet. I know you live and you learn, but why can’t I tell myself this? Why can’t I tell myself I’m going to be fine in life? Why do I feel like my life is slowly falling apart? I feel so lost and feel like I’ll never find my purpose. I want to make something out of my self but I can’t do it when I feel like this. I feel like I’m running out of time to figure shit out even though I’m only 20, about to be 21. I feel like life is going too fast for me.