

I'm going nuts here ... my boy is 3 months tomorrow. Hes been doing so good . Every night around 830 wed give him a bath, then bottle and hed fall asleep. And hed sleep till about 6 am. Right everyone is telling me that's a blessing. Now the last 3 days hes a totally different story. Hell eat less. Will spit out his passi. When it's time for bed he'll be playing and cooing and as soon as I put him to bed he'll scream bloody murder. Hell yell and yell. I'm sure hes fine because as soon as hes up being rocked I can calm him down. I tried the scream out method. No luck, I dont know how he does lose his voice, on top of that he wakes up all through the night and just to lay by me or feed and just treches. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I set a routine and it worked for 2 months. Now it just doesn't 😖. I'm stressing out. Last night I barley got him to fall asleep around 10pm then he was grunting and awake at midnight. Then around 3. Now its 7 am I feed him and he just cant seem to fall into deep sleep. It's been pretty rough on me since I work too. Any suggestions, maybe it's just a phase. Did anyone else experience this. I'd appreciate anything at this point.