Should I give him another chance?

Backstory: My mom and dad divorced when I was 2 years old because my dad kept cheating and stealing. Since then he’s been in-and-our of our lives whenever he feels like popping in (usually when he gets a new girlfriend) and it was really hurting me and my mental health because I never felt good enough or worthy enough. I finally told him a couple years ago when I was finally fed up that I didn’t want him to talk to me or my family anymore since all he did was hurt us- not that it would change anything since he barely spoke to us in the first place. Now I’m on a journey to become a better version of myself and to be closer with God and I keep thinking I should forgive him and start taking to him again. But it’s scary because I don’t want to be hurt again and I painted such a bad picture of him in my mind. I’m also about to graduate from high school and I know I want him in my life, and my possible future children’s lives, at some point.

Question: should I give him another chance? Or should I keep a distance between us?