I feel alone...


Hi I’m new to this but my husband and I have been trying to conceive for three years, we have had everything checked and were told we were both fine so we went back for a follow up today and they did a pelvic ultrasound and found I have an abnormal uterus- she said she isn’t too worried about it and I’ll be able to carry just have to have a c-section- but also found out I have prediabetes so they put me on metformin and said it’ll help me lose weight but also get pregnant without having more than one baby. When I start my period this month I go for a small procedure that’s called HSG. I’m not really sure what it is but it is going to clean my tubes to help me conceive. Has anyone had it done? Or have an abnormal uterus? I don’t know anyone to talk to to help or anything. Thanks in advance. ❤️