Am I in a bad relationship?

I feel like I’m being clouded or something cause I love this guy too much

We have been dating for a couple of years now and it was so amazing when we first started. It was a lot of firsts for us and we were awkward but overtime we became more used to it and more romantic.

But then I notice that he is quite persuasive

Like going with him to do stuff by sweet talking me

I would follow him everywhere and anywhere he goes

And now as I’m currently going through a pretty hard depression I’ve been telling him about my feelings but he tells me all I need to do is smile and everything will be alright

That other people have it worse than me and I should just let it go

When I do smile he looks at me and tells me I’m normal again

When I complain about school or stressing out pretty hardcore he tells me to go kill my self, as a joke, but sometimes I do think about that

He gets jealous whenever a guy friend hugs me

But he also says that if my best friend ever became lesbian and confessed to me he would leave me so I can get together with her

And he told me to kiss one of my friends when she was crying over a personal problem

I showed him my cutting scars and he told me he knew something was up but he didn’t ask if I was ok

I feel like there are some red flags but again I feel like it’s just because I’m too needy and I’m looking into it too much

Edit: I want to remain anonymous so I’ll type my replies up here. Thanks everyone for your input and @angel we are both 17, started dating when we were 15, but I guess I need to break it off with him. I don’t know how or when but it’s for the better isn’t it.. I’ve been getting help from a therapist but both my parents think I’m an attention seeker when I told them about my depression so I stopped talking to them about it. I do have someone to rely on to help me besides my therapist though, so I’ll work more on that and my health. Thanks again to everyone to commented