

I love my 7 and a half month old dearly and he is my pride and joy but I don't know how much longer I can take the's constant... he won't play with his toys for more than 5 minutes theb after those 5 minutes he has a meltdown... I try to put him down for a nap every 2-3 hours he's obviously tired. But he fights it big time every nap time is a fight of screaming... the dummy sends him to sleep but the little monster pulls it out and when he pulls it out he starts crying AGAIN. back to square one. He goes down better at night than he does with a nap....a note to add is he hasn't got any teeth yet. And there are no signs of them coming... but jeez my fuse is shortening by the day I'm so frustrated it's unreal. I just lost it the other day I had to put him in his cot and let him scream cause I had to go lie down and cry myself...his dad is involved but has never had him alone he has constant help... so when he has a tantrum I can only imagine his mum takes over.... please fellow stressed out mummas I need tips... I haven't washed my hair in about a week in pretty sure I can cook a fried breakfast on this head. Much appreciated xxx