I didn't know where to post this but...

So my oldest daughter gotten taken by dcf when she was three months because my mom called them on me because me and my boyfriend got into a fight. We were outside my baby wasn't around. So I basically had to fight for my daughter back and my bd family fought against me and took my daughter from me and a few months after she got took I found out I was pregnant by my ex the one I was fighting with. So I'm homeless and pregnant and I was scared that they were going to take my baby when I had her so I went to rehab because I dropped dirty for weed. I stayed there until I had my baby they didn't take her so I went to a halfway house. I ended up leaving the halfway house to go live with my bd and that didn't work out so I moved outta state. I ended up coming back for court for my first daughter and I decided to sign my rights over. I was tired of fighting against the court and my daughter's dad family. So I just let them adopt her. 😕😕😕 Now I'm torn like I don't know if I should be in her life or stay away. And they are changing her name and she doesn't even know who I am. It's so confusing and I'm so sad and I don't really talk to her because I don't really want to talk to those people they literally ruined my entire case. I want to lash out and curse them out but I can't because it'll just dig me deeper so I just stay away. 😕😕😕😕 It just really sucks tbh like I just want my babies 💔😔😔💔 sometimes I just tell people I have one kid because it's hard trying to explain I got my kid taken away😕 and ik that's wrong but I'm embarrassed 😕🙃 I just needed to vent.