Laura • Wife + Mama to 👧🏼 + 🧒🏼 + 👼🏻 + 👧🏼

I have never felt as immersed in motherhood as I felt today, despite this being Baby #2.

I snapped this photo after having changed my son’s sleeper twice due to large amounts of spit up, changing his sleeper yet again because he had a blow out - only to have to change him AGAIN because of more spit up. I also had a few wardrobe changes myself, and had to do an extra load of laundry to try to get rid of those pesky mustard stains on his jammies and blankets. All while trying to entertain my toddler.

All of this to say that being a mom is exhausting work, and most days you may feel like what you’re doing in your day to day life isn’t amounting to much at the moment.. but I just want to encourage you all by saying that what you’re doing every day is some of the most important work anyone can do.

Whether or not it’s said aloud, you need to know that you are valued, you are appreciated, and you are a rock star.

*Note the spit up on my shirt, blow out sleeper on the right, and a bedroom that could use a little TLC.. oh and the desperate need of a shower 😬