Hungry or sleepy


My baby has been bottle fed since birth because she was in the NICU and were just now getting back into breast feeding. She’s 4 weeks old and breastfed for at least 20 minutes total. But it was an hour long process.. well she had fallen asleep and when I laid her down she would cry. So I changed, burped, and attempted to feed again but she was still fussing.. she was doing sleep and hunger cues.. I have no idea if she was sleepy or hungry... I laid her in the swing with a pacifier and now she’s falling asleep.. will a hungry baby sleep? Is the pacifier masking the hunger cues? I’m so scared she’s starving but she had been awake for awhile and I know she was exhausted.. I tried to feed her while she tried to sleep but she kept unlatching. Please give tell me I’m not the only first time mom to not know what to do.