

First thing first I AM 16. I’m a big introvert, I don’t like socialising with people I’ve just met, It is really hard for me to open up to people due to trust issues (stuff from the past) whether it’s a boy or a girl it takes at least two years for me to at least be my true self around them. But all my friends are in relationships, some have a new boyfriend every month, and they’re always telling me I need a boyfriend in my life. I’m not rushing anything because I personally feel like I’m not physically, mentally and spiritually ready for a relationship but sometimes I fear that I’m going to end up alone in the future and never find love for the exact fact that I don’t open up. The type of guys in my country don’t exactly wait for you to open up or feel comfortable with them they just want an immediate sexual relationship, I just really fear ending up alone. It might sound weird that sometimes I don’t believe in true love but I think everyone needs at least a companion in life. Someone uplift me 🥺 or be my friend because my “supposed” friends even my best friend only talk to me like twice a week due to the fact that they have boyfriends. ( I’m always lonely and bored, to the extent where I’m watching telenovelas to entertain me lmaooo)