If you hadn't talked to someone in 3-4 years, would you facetime them instead of texting them?

Robin • Mommy, 23 yrs old 💞, Married 💕, 💙 Damon Quill born December 6th, 2018 💙, Athena Rose born July 9th, 2020 💕

Little background: So tonight we were over at my Brother in laws house and I was sitting with my husband since my sister in law had our 4 month old. He gets this random # come up saying they wanted to facetime, and they called twice before he texted asking who's this. Well the person texts back and it's a girl who he apparently use to hang out with/play xbox with and was friends with. Well I recognized the xbox gamer tag and then I seen "Kristin" and I got shakey mad and walked into the bedroom where my SIL was with our child. Apparently this chick was married to a military man, and cheated on him and then "disappeared" for 3-4 years. Well she just randomly facetimes my husband, doesnt even text him (that I know of) or anything before. He claims he texted her "well you just made my wife mad" and all she said was "well that sucks" (i wasn't around him to see what he said) So I made the comment of well maybe shes trying to stray away again, since she cheated on her first husband(he told me shes married and has a baby now, but how would he know that if he hasn't heard anything about her in 3-4 years?) And he got super defensive and basically was yelling at me for being upset and sick to my stomach. So honestly what I'm asking is, if you hadn't talked to someone in 3-4 years, instead of texting them, would you facetime them first? And do I have a right to feel mad and uneasy about the whole thing? Because its literally eating away at me (hence the 3am post since I cant sleep and hes sleeping on the couch *his choice*)

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