Still Single

I'm almost 23, and I have never been on a real date. Not because I don't want to date someone, but because no one wants to date me. I've tried to talk about it with my mom, or my sister, but they just say "Be patient" or some other completely inane cliche saying. Claiming I'm too young to be anxious about it, or that it is silly. But my sister was married by the time she was my age, and my mother had already been married for almost four years, and had an almost three year old kid.

My biggest dream in life is to be a wife and mother, but it seems like guys don't even notice me. I am currently in love with a guy who I would consider as one of my best friends, and I dream of a life with him. But he isn't interested in dating, and even if he was, he could choose so many people better than me.

People tell me to not let my singleness affect my self esteem, but I already have cripplingly low self esteem. And every rejection seems like it proves that I'm unlovable. I try not to think that, but it's hard.

I know this is kind of rambling. I just wanted to get this out there. Maybe talk about it with people who understand, or maybe just talk about it anonymously.