I want him to just GO AWAY! 😣

So I’ll try and make this short.(But honestly, it probably won’t be) So I met my boyfriend back in October of 2018 at my old job (a clothing store). He came in and basically had me dress him 🙄.. lol it was cute in the moment because he said something along the lines of “would you talk to me if I wore this?” and some other little corny lines. But anyway, I fell for it and he got my number.

At the time I was talking to someone so I didn’t want to be “that girl” so I really wasn’t giving him too much attention when he would text me but it was your normal “Good Morning,” “Hope you have a good day,” “How was work?” ... those texts! (He’s a charmer 💕)

So maybe about 2 weeks later I ended up quitting that job. Somehow he ended up calling me the next day and asking if I was working because he wanted to come to my side of town to hang out. I told him the situation and basically to make a long story short he ended up getting me a job the same day at this sports bar he worked at.

At that point I was like, “okayyy, he makes moves. Maybe I’ll show him some more attention now... it’s only right at this point.”

So this is the point where we started getting better acquainted. So because we both worked at a sports bar and our hours were pretty much the same, we’d get off late together. This ended up turning into him coming over and us having the daytime to chill and then literally go right to work together.

Maybe 2 more weeks into it, he ends up asking me to be his girlfriend. At this point I’m like “uhhhhhh, I guess.” (Haven’t been in a relationship in over a year at this point so it was just weird.)

Now so I guess since we’re bf and gf, working at the same place and “doing the do” ... it only made since at this point for him to ask if he could stay with me. “Uhhhhh, I guess.” 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️

He pretty much gives me his entire check every pay period and I got to the point where I literally didn’t have to work. (For a little while.. I was wasn’t being a bum though, I just had more time to work on my own personal business I’m trying to start) But anyway, for a while I was cool with it but now.. now I have a problem.

HE’S ALWAYS HERE! He doesn’t seem to have friends and literally does nothing but go to work and come back. Not to mention he’s not very “tidy” either, so I’m always telling him to clean up and he’s just REALLLY annoying now. (This is just 5 months later)

I want to kick him out sooooo bad (I threaten him ALLLLLL the time) but he literally has no one and I feel so bamboozled. What should I do?

Oh wait, here’s the best part.. now I’m pregnant. WTFFF! I know. 😫😫😫😫 FML!!