So confused (maybe pregnant)opinions please

Ok it’s a bit of a read so hang in with me LOL

so I’m 4 months postpartum, and I do breastfeed. No period but I had a day of spotting last month on March 21. My husband & I decided to have sex that day, we used pull out method because we were confident the spotting was like my period.

Flash forward to now- so I have been experiencing cramps. They’re constant for past 2-3 weeks. One day even ibuprofen didn’t help! So a friend mentioned the possibility of being pregnant again and I thought oh no can’t be... but that night I got a test to reassure myself

Took it and...

So here I was freaking out a bit because I did see a faint line. SO FAINT. But there, slightly pink & at the three minute mark.

I retested since & some tests are stark white negative while others have a shadow of a second line.

I made an appt for Monday. But in my head I feel like it’s impossible I mean the only time we didn’t use a condom was almost a month ago you’d think if I were it would definitely be darker. & like I said we used the pull out method.

But the cramps I get so remind me of pregnancy cramps so I am very confused
