Lisa β€’ Proud Momma of my beautiful rainbow baby born oct 2019 ❀🌹❀🌹❀🌹 Step Momma to 2 boys and 1 girl.

Im so excited. I had a feeling this little baby was a girl but ultrasound tech confirmed it yesterday. I have Kaiser and they will not tell you the gender until after 20 weeks, they also don't give you the gender with your gene screening blood test. My ultrasound sound tech at Kaiser was a sweetheart though and told us that we could easily book a private scan elsewhere after 14 weeks and they should be able to tell us the gender, so thats exactly what we did. I googled lots of places around me and picked the one that had the highest rating and booked my appointment. Im 15 weeks along and last night was my appointment. The tech said it was clear as day that it was a girl, and I am so beyond excited and happy 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍