Husbands distant?

In the hospital he was great and obsessed with me and the baby. Always changing her and tending to her and us. Even the 2 weeks he took off to be home with us were great. Right now I EBF so I take care of that.

Ever since he went back to work (last week) it’s different. He only holds her for maybe 5-15 minutes before he says “do you want her?” Even if she’s not hungry. It’s like his life is no different and he’s always on the go (on call firefighter, doesn’t have to respond to every call we have FT/PT firefighters), and doesn’t seem attached to our daughter anymore. I talked to him about it a few nights ago and he said he sort of felt that way too, and how it seems like I do everything for her anymore. He said he would start helping again more.

Last night she didn’t sleep so good so I was up a lot feeding and changing diapers. I’m beat per usual, and he was holding her. I was about to try to take a nap when he said “want her? I’m going to take a nap” and I said how I was going to take one too but yet.... he’s in our room sleeping. He had her maybe 10 minutes.

Does or did any of your significant others act like this too? I don’t care about him not helping at night because in my view I have to wake up to feed her anyway so why not let him sleep and I can change her diaper myself.