Hubby hurt my feelings.

Back story: LO is almost 2 months. Last two weeks she’s stayed with my in-laws for her own protection until I get my ppd under control (I have really bad thoughts about her)

Anyways. We’re staying with my in-laws to spend time with baby. Hubby said he’d take care of her overnight. He let her scream for about 10 minutes straight after sleeping for 6 hours. She was hungry. He said she wasn’t. I said I was going to have an anxiety attack. He countered with, “she’s your kid and you never even take care of her.”

I’ve felt like trash about myself since I pushed her out and that comment has ruined me. Is his comment justified? My aunt says it is, but I’m not sure it is, it was extremely hurtful.

Edit to add: I’ve been put on 3 different antidepressants since her birth and have also started therapy!